And quite just like that, seems as if this school year flew right by us in the blink of an eye. Feels like we were just gearing up for the school year, getting involved in activities, preparing for the Winter holidays and here we are mid-June, activities completed and school is out for the summer! No one could be happier than I! Or these two girls who came off a great school year, lots of learning and fun in their activities for the year and ready to begin another summer in Italy.
We had piano and ballet recitals this past weekend which among other scheduled events like birthday and graduation parties, made for a very busy few days. But it was all fun so I shouldn't complain. I unfortunately didn't bring my camera to the piano recital but did get a video of each girl playing their pieces and I while I had heard them MANY times at home practicing, it was even better hearing them play in front of everyone and do a fabulous job.
Ballet continues to be a favorite of mine and for my girls also. Weekly practices for each girl and one recital at the end of the year and we're done. They loved their instructors, their fellow ballerinas and their costumes for the recital. Each always says they are nervous to perform at the recital but they do and I am so proud of them.
Olivia played basketball for the first time this past year and loved it! Was a great team player, listened to her coaches and had some assists as well as a basket or two. Sofia did the school track team for the first time after participating in a Girls on the Run type program last year. She was hesitant in the beginning but went to nearly every practice and was selected as the 4th grader to compete in the mile in the last track meet. I was so proud of how much she got over her fear of not knowing if she could do it and she did!
Our summer vacation officially begins tomorrow. No more school or activities for 2 glorious months!