Friday, February 19, 2021

And onto a new heavy!

So happy for my parents as they turn to a new chapter in the story of their life. They have sold the place they called home for more than 20 years. So many memories shared within these walls, too many to display in this space, but so many wonderful photos to look back on with smiles. 

Holidays, birthdays, just time together that called for a photo op. I'm glad that I'm crazy when it comes to preserving these moments. 

This was the first place my kids spent the night away and grew to love as much as their own home. A place to connect with family, play with their cousins and enjoy Nonna's good cooking. 

Lots of smiles, a few tears but always memories we will take with us onto the new chapter. 

The home where I came back to during and after college. Where I got ready before our wedding, where my kids grew to love just as much as me. Countless birthday celebrations, holidays and plenty of random weekend family time. Friends and family helped to contribute to the good moments, meals shared and Italians welcomed from the motherland. It was sad to say goodbye but so thankful for all the wonderful memories that took place under this roof. 

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