Wednesday, February 27, 2013

What the tooth fairy brought

She had been asking for a keychain to hang on her backpack so looky what the tooth fairy brought...and it has an Italian flag on it too which she recognized and loved. And $5 for the first tooth seemed pretty generous but seeing how she is 5 years old, I guess it makes sense. Oh and a little letter that was filled with cut-out yellow stars which were the highlight of the morning to tell you the truth. She had picked them all up by the time I came upstairs in the morning and said they made a trail from the window to her pillow. That tooth fairy sure is creative!


  1. Sofia, you have the most wonderful tooth fairy in the World, and you know why? Because you are the most wonderful girl in the world.Anthony and Lisa, we are soo very proud of the wonderful and responsible parents that you both are.

  2. Sofia, I'll give you five $1 bills and two quarters for that $5 bill.

  3. Zio Scotty...That is a good deal. She will take it ;-)


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