Monday, April 17, 2017

My little girls

I know it may seem rare these days to get the girls on the blog, what with them being in school all day, activities in the evening and then busy weekends, but it's happened. Yay. I tend to snap more pictures up on my phone of the girls and it's a bad habit, I know. One I will work on. But here they are in their glory on the morning of Grandparent's Day at their school and dressed in non-uniform clothes. They clean up nice.

Everyone says it, but it's crazy when I take a moment to sit back and really watch them. Watch them read, watch them do their homework, watch them play with their brother. They ask "why are you staring at me?" and then because I don't want to spook them say "I love you when..." complete the sentence with whatever it is I'm observing. It's of course true, I do love them. But if I am completely honest with them and tell them that I love everything about them in that moment, that it's going too fast, soon they'll be out of the house, they won't need me anymore, etc. etc. etc. I fear if I tell them all of that it will end in big, ugly tears.

I just can't believe how fast they are growing. And it's right in front of my eyes. It's not like I live on another planet, we share the same household, I see them ALL the time, but here it is proof that it's going so fast. They were just born yesterday, right?

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