Saturday, October 13, 2012

Baby Giuliana

A few weeks back my sister-in-law asked me to take some pictures of the newest addition to the Palumbi side of the family..Giuliana Linda Yeager. I had such a great time and she was the perfect little newborn. She's already changed so much from these set of pictures, but I wanted to post them anyway because I was pretty happy with how they turned out.

She really liked these blocks!

Love little baby features...

Still holding tight to her own little hands.

Sleeping beauty.

Not everyone is a fan of black and white shots when it comes to babies, but I love them. Little noses, lips and chins totally stand out to me.

And don't get me started on profiles! I love profiles of little children and Giuliana's is so great. Especially with that crop of hair!

She was a good sport for the hour and a half I took pictures but she was definitely tired in the end. As any newborn would be. Or adult too!

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