Monday, February 25, 2008

March 2007 Babies

So, she's definitely not impressed with all this white stuff we have outside, but here's to hoping that changes as she gets older since her mommy and daddy LOVE being out in the snow. How fun would it be to all make snow angels and build a fort together?! She just glanced over the backyard and wanted nothing to do with it. Maybe next year!

But what Sofia was very impressed with yesterday was the playgroup we went to for a birthday celebration of March 2007 babies. 9 moms and 9 crawling babies got together for a great afternoon of food, fun and frolic! I was so happy to get a picture of her in the hat since it stayed on for literally 4 seconds.

1 comment:

  1. Sofia, I hope next year you'll like the snow, because nonno Nick, nonna Lisa and zio Antonio would love to play with you in the snow.We love you very much


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