I've never really paid too much attention to the ingredients of the daily products I use - facial moisturizer, perfume, hand lotion, dish soap, household cleaners, etc. But now that Sofia is here, crawling all over the house and exploring new things, I've been thinking a lot about the stuff she is and will be exposed to on a daily basis. I don't mind her getting dirty when she eats or if she's outside in the yard, but what I can't get out of my head lately are the other things I have taken for granted...her bath soap, body lotion, baby wipes and what I use to clean the counter tops and floors.
One of the blogs I read regularly, Wise Bread, led me to a very informative site that ranks products in terms of safety as it relates to toxicity levels and animal testing. The Skin Deep Project by the Environmental Working Group allows us to search by brand name and see how our face soaps, sunscreens and baby diaper creams measure up. And this touches only on cosmetics and body products, think about the stuff you clean your bath tub and hardwood floors with and what little hands and feet are coming in contact with and how it affects their skin.
Even though I've never really used a lot of products on my skin, it was still very interesting to check out and for future purchases for us and Sofia. We have just begun using natural cleaning products in the house, so I feel like I'm moving in the right direction.
I saw this list last week and was very surprised!
ReplyDeleteI am glad that I am lazy and hardly ever use many products.
ReplyDeleteThis is something that I have been thinking about a lot recently. I clean with vinegar, simple green, and sun and earth. All are non-toxic and work just as well then the other cleaning poisons out there. Vinegar is truly a miracle because of all that it can do and how little it costs.
ReplyDeleteI went to the Skin Deep Project link. It was VERY eye opening...its making me rethink some of the products I use. Thanks for the info.