After browsing the beautiful bags at Furla, we made our way to Stride Rite for Miss Sofia. Even though the sales associate was more than helpful and playful with Sofia, she wasn't keen on letting some stranger measure her feet. But as soon as she had her shoes on, she wanted nothing to do with any of us and only took pleasure in taking the other shoes off the shelves and handing them to me one at a time.
After our successful shopping trip and then playing a bit at Zia Paola and Uncle Dan's house, Sofia was ready to head home, eat her lunch and go right to sleep. But not before her and I had some cuddly time in bed. My new favorite thing is when I act like I'm sleeping and she comes right over to my face and puts her nose right on mine and calls "mommy" nice and loud. Then when I open my eyes and give her a kiss, she starts giggling and gives me the most perfect smile. Ahhh, my little sweet girl.

Such cute pictures! Have I ever mentioned that you have an adorable little girl. You can't help but smile when she does. I love keeping in touch this way. Welcome home!