Sofia has been talking about fireworks for weeks now and was beyond excited. She was so good as we drove to the spot and "tail-gated" for over an hour before the show began. We popped open the back of the Pilot and Anthony, Sofia and I set up camp in the back with our drinks (tea and milk) to watch the display. Sofia was fascinated with all the people there and kept asking to see the fireworks. Once the show did start, she sat on my lap for about 20 seconds before she decided she had had enough and wanted to go home. She didn't cry but did ask about 15 times to go home! Anthony and her sat in the back seat for a few minutes together and then she ended up watching the rest of them from the back seat peeking out from under the head rest. It really was too cute!
Waiting for the show to start with Daddy

Watching the fireworks with Mommy

Sound asleep for the entire time!

Hi everyone- Italy is GREAT. I can't wait for you all to get here.