Wednesday, June 6, 2012

We had fun makin' music!

Everything is coming to a close. First Sofia and her preschool and now Olivia and music class is finito! Since September, her and I have been going weekly and she loved every minute of the class. The instructors were great with the kids, Olivia loved the music and playing with the instruments and it was a relaxing 45 minutes even for mommy. I just loved watching her come into her own, doing something on her own, without big sister around.

Although today, big sister Sofia did join us and she had so much fun. Olivia loved introducing her to the teachers, showing her the instruments and making sure she was doing what she was supposed to do during the songs. It was adorable.

Both girls love music and while it's always on at the house, that's just the beginning. They have musical instruments to play with, you hear them singing often and they make radio requests in the car. Can't wait to take them to their first concerts. They are going to love it!

Side note: look how long Sofia's hair has gotten. It's about time to get to the salon to chop it off and donate! 10 inches coming off is a little daunting even for me who is not getting her hair cut, but it's for a great cause. Sofia understands a bit of it, but that is a lot of hair to part with and she is such a girly girl.

Love this one of Olivia holding my girlfriend's hand and her little buddy's hand but still looking at Sofia. Her idol.

Little music class buds.

Great last class! Thanks to her amazing instructors. They really make it so worthwhile for the kids. Now I need to work on with getting the tunes out of my head!


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