I can't believe where the time is going! Olivia will be 3 months old this coming Saturday and Sofia is 2 years and 4 months old. Already you can see the one taking in all the other does. Of course, there is a ton more for Olivia to take in that Sofia does than the other way around, but she'll get there.
They're usually always in the same room with one another, aside from nap time, and it's fun to see how much Olivia follows Sofia with her eyes. Likewise, every sound Olivia makes Sofia will ask us what she's doing. Already they're tuned into one another and it's incredible to witness the bond that is forming between the sisters.
The time is already going by fast enough that I dare not wish it away any quicker, but it is fun to think about all that is to come between my two little girls. The giggling, playing and probably even bickering that will take place in our household is going to be overwhelming.

Sono bellissime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!