Thursday evening we had Olivia's 3 month appt and our doctor said she's doing fantastic. Our future volleyball player is growing like a weed - she gained 2lbs in a month and grew another 1.5 inches! I guess all the Italian goodness that I consumed agrees with her.
She is a pretty content baby for the most part and is super smiley these days. Especially when big sister Sofia comes over to her and sings her a song or gives her kisses. Olivia has been sleeping through the night wonderfully (knock on wood) and I thank her SO much for that. That first month and a half was tough with feedings every 3 hours including through the night. When you're feeding your little one every three hours, when was I supposed to sleep? Well, I didn't, not much anyway.
We just began putting her on the play mat that used to be Sofia's and I think she may grow to like it like her sister did. First impressions though were hysterical! It plays music and lights up upon movement and when the music and lights started up, her little eyes got so wide and she just stared in wonder until it stopped!

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