Monday, September 28, 2009

Are you my Mother?

A cute little story of my older princess...

I'm cleaning up dishes from lunch one day and Sofia is still in her chair not wanting to finish her meal.

"I want to get down!" shouts Sofia.

"Please don't yell and just a few more bites and you can get down" I say.

"Why?" asks the cute two-year-old.

"Well, it's not nice to yell and eating is good for you, so you can get big and strong."

"Why?" asks my little stinker another time.

"Because I'm your mother and I said so."

"You're not my mother."

Literally my head almost rolled off my neck I turned so quickly and just looked at her in shock. Have we already begun the back and forth that I thought would at least wait a few more years? A few seconds pass and Sofia looks at me and says in her sweetest voice...

"You're my mommy."

You don't have to ask me how much I love this little girl.


  1. they are good at being stinker and then turning on the charm, aren't they?

    ah, motherhood :)

  2. very cute story!! we haven't hit the "why" stage yet...sounds like fun!


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