Saturday, November 24, 2012


Parade watching, apple pie, turkey and surrounded by family and friends. I'd say that is the ideal combination for the perfect Thanksgiving Day. And that's exactly what ours was this year in Maryland. Girls enjoyed each minute from preparing the long table with Mommy, "helping" Nonna Lisa in the kitchen, chasing Nonno Nicky around the house just for fun, joining in tickle-fests with Zio Antonio, watching football with Daddy, playing with Chase and Zio Scotty and showing off their pretty Thanksgiving Day dresses to Zia Chaela. Grateful for them to have been a part of it all these last few days and especially grateful for a family that I couldn't love and appreciate more for everything they do for us.

Boys will be boys.

Much better.

The kids table. Hard at work coloring up some Thanksgiving fun.

25 and counting!

Zio Scotty and the girls on a break from our family photo shoot with our favorite photographer - Zio Scotty of course!

Roasting marshmallows with Nonna, Nonno, Zio Antonio, Mommy and Daddy. I'd day the perfect ending to a great Thanksgiving celebration.


  1. Looks like a fabulous weekend!! Love you and can't wait to chat!!

  2. Ciao Lisa, sono Massimiliano (Max)
    mi scuso in anticipo se ho sbagliato persona, ma volevo chiederti se siete voi che ho conosciuto molti anni fa in Italia quando vostro padre lavorava qui. Abitavano in un condomino. Se ho sbagliato mi scuso immensamente, ma se siete voi mi piacerebbe risentirci sopratutto con Scott. Un saluto Max

    1. Ho dimenticato di dirti che sono a Mesagne

    2. Si si, sono io. E si ti ricordo, come no? Devo parlare con Scott stasera e lo do il messaggio. Siamo state tutti a Mesagne quest'estate.
      Tanti saluti, Lisa

  3. Meraviglioso... Salutami anche papà e mamma... Ho un bellissimo ricordo della vostra famiglia.
    Ti lascio la mia mail così la passi a Scott:
    Se venite ancora in Italia magari ci rivediamo.


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