Monday, December 15, 2014

an evening in centro storico

I'm getting behind on my posts from this past summer in Italy and I hope to post a few more times before the end of the year. Need to post them before we start planning for our next trip over!

One evening we went into centro storico (the old town) for a walk and to watch "Mesagnese nel Mondo" - the people of Mesagne in the world. My mom was one of those people since she is from Mesagne and has since left the town. It was pretty cool listening to the performers and interviewers and the girls were so good. Mario, on the other hand, preferred being strolled and not so much just sitting still. So, unfortunately he and I headed home with Olivia before we got to see my mom go on stage but Sofia made sure to tell us all about it since she went on stage with Nonna too!

The girls and I strolled Mario before the show began and took in a little more of centro storico, one of my favorite places ever. I just love the old town so much with it's cobblestone streets, old churches and narrow alleys. It's every bit of perfect to me.

How sweet do they look?!?

Waiting for the show to begin. How cool is that evening sky? 

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