Wednesday, May 20, 2015


As we are fast approaching our annual trip to the motherland, I decided it would be fun to take a trip down memory lane of my children's first trips to Italy. First of all, I can't believe how many pictures I take and secondly, I just love going to Italy with my family. The girls are so excited and can't wait for school to be over and go. Mommy is excited too but I need to begin planning to pack. Yes, I plan my packing. Traveling for 7 weeks and taking only one suitcase will do that to you.

Sofia Vincenza's first trip to Italy:

Sofia was 4 months old when she went to Italy for the first time. Some of my favorite highlights was of course her meeting her great-grandmother Nonna Linda and going to the festival for the first time. She met two of my great-aunts in Mesagne along with a million other family members and friends from both sides of the family.

Olivia Maria's first trip to Italy:

Olivia was 2 months on her first trip over. A little peanut! Olivia also had some one on one time with Nonna Linda and a trip to the beach. She met her cousin Giuseppe born only a couple weeks after her too. This year we went to Italy after the festival so she didn't experience it until the following year.

Mario Luca's first trip to Italy:

Mario was my oldest baby taken to Italy at 6 months old. He spent the most time there on his first trip and got to meet so many family members and friends. He went to the beach numerous times (and napped there too) and got to experience the festival in Mesagne.

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