Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Picking cherries with Nonno Mario

We arrived in Italy and spent the first few days in Abruzzo with the kids' grandparents. We were in luck because it was cherry-picking time and all three had a go at it and really enjoyed themselves. We picked so many cherries and were giving them away by the basket.

There's nothing quite like giving your child an experience where they pick their own food. In the very literal sense too. They loved climbing the ladder, trying to find the perfect branch with which to start plucking the cherries right off into the bucket or right into their mouths. They had to take turns, watch the ladder for the others and help carry the cherries inside to Nonna Maria to divide up to hand out to family and friends.What would have been seen as a chore to some was thoroughly fun for them.

I love taking pictures of this one when she doesn't realize it. My kids have all grown up with the camera very close at hand and very much in their faces. Something they had to grow accustomed to and for the most part just became a natural part of our experiences.

It's always a special moment for me when I can just take a picture and not ask anyone to look at the camera a hundred times or stop giving bunny ears to their brother or sticking their tongue out at their sister. Win for me.

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