Hanging out with her great-grandma

Family picture during dinner

Obviously, not a Steelers fan (Go Eagles!)
Grandma and Grandpa

Our cousin Carlo and his lovely girlfriend Maryann

Sofia with The Pitocco family - Jenna, Uncle Paul, Aunt Roseanne and Carlo

Mom, Dad and Antonio in Breezewood

Hot air balloon spotting on the drive home

We traveled to Pittsburgh this weekend to visit some of my dad's family and Sofia was able to meet her cousins Carlo and Jenna, Aunt Roseanne, Uncle Paul and her great-grandma Rita and great-grandpa Dominic. My parents and youngest brother also made the trip so Sofia was able to hang out with her Nonna, Nonno and Zio Antonio. We had such a wonderful time with everyone and just wished that we were able to see them more often!
It was a pleasant 5 hour drive with just one stop coming and going in Breezewood, PA. The leaves had all changed over (finally, with this endless summer we were experiencing in the East) and we even saw some snow on the mountains and pine trees. Lots of cows, goats, sheep and horses along the way in PA's countryside which will be so fun when Sofia gets older and can actually see them on her own rather than having her mommy and daddy shouting to the backseat in excitement every time we passed a farm and wanted her to see the little lamb or chocolate milk-making cow.
"The family is one of Nature's masterpieces."
~George Santayana
We had a great time - one we will remember and talk about for some time to come. The pictures are beautiful - especially the ones of Sofia ...
Beautiful! I love family pics! Everyone looks so happy!