Hanging out with Nonna and Nonno
"I want pie!"

Sofia with the Pitocco kids (and yes, Antonio is almost as tall as me)

Scott showing me how to "properly" hold the wishbone

Me showing Scott how it's really done

Nonno taking Sofia for a walk

Pretty little flower for a pretty little baby girl

More kisses from Zio Scott

Thanksgiving was lots of fun...2 turkeys - one regular and one deep fried. First time for our family trying the deep fried version and it was very delicious!
Sofia had some firsts this weekend - she's begun clapping her hands which is beyond adorable and a little tooth is breaking through her bottom gum. She seems to be in ok spirits about it all, but I, on the other hand, can not believe how fast she is growing. She will be 8 months this week!
Zio Scott loves his little niece very much.Every morning when zio Antonio gets up and comes down stairs he says: I need to check the blog for new pictures of Sofia's