We had a relaxing day today..after an active week, cleaning after the big party last weekend, Sofia getting shots last night and the weather not being so great today, we had a perfect excuse to staying in and taking it easy. But we had so much fun playing in Sofia's playroom, crawling around the house and playing in her bedroom. Anthony surprised us with coming home early from work and getting in some family time before I had to leave for a craft fair.
The fair went well, I did sell some pictures and note cards, but I just always meet such great people at these events and have walked away from them with valuable information. I met a fellow vendor that owns a nearby framing shop and because he is accustomed to working with photographers and artists, he had a lot of a good tips for me.
And while I'm on the subject of my photography, we leave for Italy in 2.5 months and I am really looking forward to the trip. I am so excited to see my cousins, aunts, uncles, neighbors, friends and Anthony's nonna. Sofia and I are leaving the end of June with my mom and Antonio and then Anthony will come over mid-July. We will spend a week with my family in Puglia and then travel to Abruzzo to spend our last week with his family. I have not yet begun really focusing on our trip since when I do start to think about it, I can't stop and it consumes any spare minute I have. All I know right now is that I will be there for a month and am really really really excited.
Beautiful photo! It was great to talk to you today!