Very cute story....
Tuesday nights I work at the restaurant and last night I called around Sofia's bedtime to say goodnight. Unfortunately for me, Sofia went to bed earlier than her usual 8:30pm bedtime because she "told" Anthony she was tired and wanted to go to bed early. We have a nice routine to settle her down for bedtime and it goes something like this - put away her books and toys, change diaper and put on pjs, feed her her bottle, we go a couple rounds of 'Goodnight Moon' and then she goes down with little complaint (most of the time).
BUT, last night about 45 minutes earlier than usual, she picks up her blanket that she has with her 24/7, grabs 'Goodnight Moon' and crawls it over to where Anthony was sitting. We now know who wears the pants in our home! I almost cried when he told me what happened, but I am so happy she's a fan of our little bedtime routine.
My little dictator!