Monday, May 5, 2008

My Little Diva

Now that we're outside more, I'm trying to get her used to wearing sunglasses to protect those baby blue eyes. She's coming around - she'll keep them on only after she's looked at herself in the mirror while wearing them!

"Have your people call my people"

Lucky for me that Baby Banz exists and their sunglasses are adorable AND have straps so little fingers can't pry them off in the middle of a sunny day! They have tons of different styles to choose from...I just bought Sofia the orange pair and can't wait to get them on her! I'll be sure to post pictures!


  1. So so cute and silly! Love her and her fabulous self!

  2. Very cute! Ocean has a pair with the strap that I've been putting on her when we're in the car. They are working well so far.


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