We have begun re-decorating our upstairs guest bedroom for Sofia's big girl room. Since we are not finding out the gender of baby Palumbi numero 2, there is no reason not to keep the nursery as is and just move Sofia into a new room. Truthfully, I am having the greatest time deciding on what to do with the room and just how to decorate it for her. The best part is that she's old enough to have a say in the preparations for her new room and it will be fun to see her picks incorporated in the mix. Our little girl is growing up!
Some before pictures of the bedroom:

The dresser and nightstand were mine as a child - I still love the set!

Obviously, the items in the alcove will be gone, maybe turn it into a nice little reading nook

Just a sampling of the colors I'm looking at:
Home Depot and Lowe's sell a new paint brand that is fume free and green...if you are interested :)