Anthony, Sofia and I are leaving in just a few hours for a 1-week trip to the Dominican Republic! We are traveling with my in-laws who bought into a time share a year ago and invited us (pre-pregnancy #2) to go with them this year. We are very excited and are looking forward to some sun, warmth and relaxation.
This will mark Sofia's 3rd plane trip and I feel like I'm prepared to traveling with an almost 2-year-old. Plenty of coloring books, crayons, stickers, flip books and snacks galore packed away for her. Of course, she will probably be most excited about the 3.5 hours of Peep and the Big Wide World that her daddy downloaded for her specifically for the trip. Keep your fingers crossed for us that the 4 hour flight goes well and our little princess is entertained!
Adios Amigos!!!
buon viaggio...ci vediamo la settimana prossima!