Sofia celebrated 22 months today. She no longer walks anywhere, but rather runs and the sound of her little feet pattering across the floor is one of my favorites. She is saying a whole ton of new words each week and repeats EVERYTHING! We are preparing her big girl room to hopefully have her completely moved into in about 2-3 weeks. It should be very entertaining to see how she does in the transition from a crib to a bed.
We leave Saturday for a week-long trip to the Dominican Republic and it will be exciting to add another stamp to her passport. This will be her 3rd time flying and both mommy and daddy are keeping their fingers crossed that all goes well and she has a great time. She is slowly absorbing the fact that my belly is growing and that there is a baby in there that will be either her little brother or sister. Sometimes she's all for kissing my belly and saying hi to the baby and other times she wants nothing to do with it.
Our little girl is growing so fast right before our eyes and we're trying our best to take it all in and enjoy each experience with her. She has made our lives more complete than she will ever know and I thank God everyday for her!
What a beautiful photo of Sofia and very well written commentary on her as well.