Thursday, April 30, 2009

How to dress up a diaper cloth

We know that Sofia is a huge fan of her "mia" and won't part with it for anything. It's just a simple white burp cloth that she's had since day 1 and so we're not confined to this one security blanket, I have 12 of them to just toss in the wash every couple days. Smart momma! Well, with baby numero 2's arrival in just a couple weeks I wanted to make sure that since we'll use diaper cloths again, that Sofia didn't get hers confused with her baby brother or sister's. While we're not going to be able to control the things they will argue about, this one thing hopefully with not be an issue

I looked around the stores and while I found some other diaper cloths that we could use, I wasn't really happy with any of them so I decided to make my own. You know, because I have nothing else to do! They ended up being very simple to do and took very little time - key words for anyone!

Plain 3-ply cloth diapers
White thread
Sewing machine


1. Wash and dry both the diaper cloths and fabric to allow for shrinkage. Iron fabric. Cut fabric so that the pieces are two inches longer than the diaper cloth and two inches wider than the center fold.

2. Fold under and iron down the short sides of the fabric so that they’re about 1/4″ smaller than the diaper. Repeat for the long sides to fit within the center fold.

3. Pin down along all sides.

4. Now sew away! I used white thread and chose a tiny zig-zag for along my borders.


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