Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Dining in Mesagne, not your average Giuseppe's

Dining in Mesagne's centro storico is my favorite place to dine. Aside from our house and my mom's amazing home-cooking that is. But if I'm going to go out to eat while in Italy, I'm going to go right into the old part of town and eat at one of the many wonderful restaurants, mostly owned by individuals or families from Mesagne. People really wanting to invest in the town and make it more spectacular with every plate of orecchiette or margarita pizza.

A short walk from our house, which makes it very convenient if I would like to enjoy some prosecco, a birra or vino bianco with our meal. Also, the spots are so adorable, the mood so inviting, and the food so fresh and delicious that I couldn't imagine going outside the town on a regular basis for my dinners.

A favorite pizza spot is "Lu Sitili" and my mom has known the family for awhile now. The father has passed and now it's run by the son and a handful of family and friends. A great group of people that work hard and put out some amazing dishes.

The decor is so perfect and right up my photographer's-eye alley. Old dishes, baskets and dried peppers hang everywhere. Old pizza paddles and beautiful artwork line the walls. And my favorite piece is the now-owner's father's bike. It's old, rusty, no more air in the tires and just beautiful. The perfect piece of art to adorn this family owned restaurant.

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