Thursday, December 29, 2016

in relax mode

The kids had a wonderful Christmas...lots of fun at their school Christmas program, the girls were each involved in the Christmas Eve Mass, Sofia had a reading and Olivia was an angel, and lots of family, friends and food in the festivities over the weekend. And don't forget the presents. All of this which make for very happy children. And of course, very tired children.

Settling in after the Christmas fun and I had some things planned for their week off and I decided to not do any of it. Well, the any of it that involved being outside of the house really. They got together with some friends and then basically chilled at home with their toys. Which I think at 9, 7, and 3 years old, they need just as much as I do.

The holidays are great, I do love them but I don't love when they seem to become a task rather than something I enjoy or want to do. The decorating, the buying and wrapping, the planning and scheduling and much more pile on top of one another and that pile ends up on me and weighs me down. I don't want to rush through the month but sometimes I feel like the sooner I get through it, the weight comes off and I can breathe again.

Here's to breathing easier this last week of the year and embracing the less is more policy in the future.

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