Tuesday, December 13, 2016

winter is all around us

It's so easy to let this month slip away without even being aware of it. Here it is already basically mid-month and it came upon us in the blink of an eye. December is notorious for coming on us silently and slyly wooing us with promise of sugarplums, carols and dreams of St. Nick. Decorate the tree, a drive to see the lights, shop for gifts for good girls and boys and BAM! The month is nearly over and you haven't sung your favorite carol yet, there's fudge still to be made and you have plenty of tape, just no wrapping paper.

I want to do too much, yet get caught up in the day-to-day life already going on and forget that we're in the midst of celebrating a pretty popular holiday. I mean, Christmas is kind of a big deal. Frankly, it's too much pressure to decorate each sugar cookie, crush those candy canes for the promised bark and hang another strand of lights. There are city attractions to be seen, music to be played and stockings to be hung. Something needs to be toned down and limits must be set.

So, here's to store bought fudge, friends who bake beautiful and delicious cookies and the genius that invented the gift bag. Pop in a holiday DVD for the kids, crank up the Christmas music in the car and fa-la-la-la-la you're way into the New Year.

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