One of the daily blogs that I love to read, Bleeding Espresso, is once again celebrating the fabulous "holiday" of World Nutella Day. She is hosting the event with another great blogger, Ms. Adventures in Italy. What better way to celebrate February 5th then with a nice jar of creamy, smooth goodness AND two really interesting blogs!!
I have a MEGA sweet tooth and have been hooked on Nutella my entire 30 years of life and will eat it just about anyway you can think of...with a spoon, on bread or cookies, in a crepe, in hot chocolate, on ice cream, etc. Morning, noon or night, I'm not picky. Hopefully this will be something Sofia and I can enjoy together...that is if I can learn to share my nutella!
Check out both blogs for more info on this most joyous occasion and the super fun contest they are running today. Read up on other ways you can drown yourself in this delectable treat!
Molto Buono!!! The delicious hazelnut spread!

Wrapped in a pretty little crepe package...see here for recipe

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