Sofia will be two at the end of the month and we will be having a small party for her this year. For her first birthday we had a big shindig at the house which was a lot of fun, but we decided to reserve the bigger parties for bigger milestones. Don't get me wrong, I think every year is a milestone regardless of whether you're 2 or 31 and it's just another reason to celebrate life, but we're going to do things on a smaller scale for the in-between years.
So, seeing how we will only be having a few people this time, I decided to make the invitations myself. I have a little table set up in our office for my "stuff" and even had some supplies on hand already, but made a quick run to Michael's and AC Moore for additional material. Some card stock, pretty scrapbooking paper, double-sided tape and a rubber stamp later I had my handmade invitations all set to go.
Did it save me a lot of money? Not really, but I had a great time doing them myself and I LOVE the finished product!

Great job, Lisa. I LOVE YOU!!!