Last week we took the girls to the Please Touch Museum for their very first visit. Anthony and I had been to the original museum when it was right in the city of Philadelphia, but this was our first visit to its new location in Fairmount Park. And I just want to say that this place delivers! It's a great site for kids to have tons of hands-on fun. The girls had a fantastic time and Anthony and I had a great time chasing after them and watching them have so much fun.

One of my favorite sections of the museum...Alice in Wonderland!

A huge favorite of the girls was the grocery store equipped with a bakery store and check out counters. We spent the most time in this section and Olivia cried when it was time to clean up and check out a new spot.

Olivia and I rode the carousel. Definitely should have given the camera to Anthony for this one!

Musical instruments in the jungle, Olivia is playing the bamboo pipes.

And here she's touching the button on each frog to hear a different sound.

When I went into the 3 bears house to check on my Goldilocks, it was clear that it was time to get home for a much-deserved nap!

This looks like it was so much fun!!