Sofia's first Christmas really was spectacular and so special for us. Christmas Eve is spent with Anthony's family and after a wonderful dinner at La Locanda we went to her first children's mass at church and then to Nonna Maria's to open gifts. Later she saw Zia Paola and Uncle Dan back at our house for still more unwrapping of gifts!
Christmas Day we always spend with my family in MD and we had a fantastic time opening more gifts, being silly with the camera, eating with family and friends and then relaxing in front of the Christmas tree later that night.
All dressed up and almost out the door
Family dinner at the restaurant
She knows that she's been good this year
Honestly, the most beautiful baby
With Nonna Maria opening gifts
Tired, but very happy, Mommy and Daddy Christmas Eve
Next morning in MD...Antonio is more of a Steelers Fan
Helping Zio Scott open his gifts
Sofia was able to spend some time with Cousins Jeff and Grace
Very thankful kids Christmas morning
Merry Christmas, Lisa, Anthony and Sofia! Love you all!