I'm already getting comments on how I'm doing physically and that I need to start taking it easy...of course, the comments are coming from those that are already older than me. The 20's were very good to me...graduated college, had some interesting work experiences, found and married the man of my dreams and now we have a sweet little girl. I pray that my 30's treat me just as wonderful if not more so!
My little princess

Mom and Zia Mina

Mom and Dad

Nonno Mario watching over Sofia

Antonio attempts a huge splash with his cannonball

My cousin Jeff and brother-in-law Dan, both over 6 feet tall, in the Smart Car

Nonna Maria laughing at Sofia - she's already pooped from all the partying

Zia Mina and Jeff

Anthony and I with Dan and Paola

My mom and I

Anthony and dad being funny

Happy little family

Happy Birthday Lisa!