Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day!

We love holidays around our house and of course Valentine's Day is no different. The girls love handing out valentines to their schoolmates and family AND there's usually some holiday-themed treat involved too. Pictures to come of those!

We give the girls the option to make a valentine for their classes or to go to the store and pick one out. This year we had one and one. Sofia opted for the store-bought cute little hologram valentines and added her own little flair to them with a valentine heart sticker while Olivia and I made her valentines together. I had so much fun!

Simple and adorable! AND I had everything at the house already. Except for the lollipops, those were purchased. But there are so many options out there for simple and adorable valentines using lollipops which is always a hit with the kids' friends.

Lip and Mustache Lollipop Valentines

What you will need:

card stock paper - we used shades of red and brown
hole punch

What to do:

1. Trace a lip outline and a mustache outline onto the card stock paper and start cutting!
2. Hole punch in the middle of each
3. Have your child sign their name, we made it easy since there wasn't a ton of room and just had her make a heart and her name
4. Stick a lollipop through the hole


She also wanted to decorate the bag she took the valentines to school so that was just added coloring fun for her. But seriously, how cute, right? And again, very easy. 

She loves them! 

Sofia hard at work on her valentines too! She had fun making a couple lip/lollipop valentines too but glad she chose on her own what she wanted to do for her class.

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