Sofia loves her playroom and anytime the basement door is opened even for a minute, she will run over and have us go downstairs with her to play. We received a bunch of great toys for her from the baby showers to her first birthday and rotate through them to give all some equal playing time. She loves books and the last time I was visiting my family I brought home 25 books that used to be Antonio's, who was storing them for Sofia. One of the many benefits of having younger brothers, especially one that is 17 years younger! In addition to the ones we already have from gifts or
consignment shops, she has a nice little library in her playroom that she will sit and flip through one at a time or come sit on our laps to be read to. Her chalkboard wall is full of fun "art" and she always says "bye guys" to the few stuffed animals we have seated around the room.
We've definitely learned that kids do not need much to be entertained (while I'm cooking she grabs for the Tupperware and wooden spoons), but it is nice to have a special place all her own and do with as she pleases.
gift from Nonna Lisa and Nonno Nick when Sofia was starting to crawl...and she's still having fun with it!

Her little toy and book section of the playroom

What an imagination - she was making wrrrring sounds like a vacuum!
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