First, I knew that I wanted to separate by size and also by color - we received a ton of gender neutral clothing at our baby showers and then the pinks and purples overtook our house after she was born. So, to make grabbing for bins easier I wanted to label the outside with what exactly was in them. Example: Gender Neutral Newborn - 12 months. Then, I needed to find the perfect bin for our huge shelves in the laundry room. At first, I was going to line the shelves with the under-the-bed bins, but then thought it would look silly with 8 little bins so I decided to go with 4 large bins.
Target is one of the first places I look for organization items and we had just received our Sunday paper overflowing with the fliers. Grabbing Target's weekly ad I was excited to see that not only did they have what I was looking for, but they were on sale too! We dashed off to Target and made a pact not to wonder the store, but go straight to the purpose at hand. I don't know about you, but it's very easy to walk into a Target with a shopping list of 2 items and come out with 25 things that you didn't even know you needed, but now have to have.
Last night I began moving the clothes from the smaller bins, separating by size and color and quickly filled the large bins to capacity. Now I won't need to rifle through small bins in search of items for friends to borrow for their little ones. This process has also made me realize how many articles of clothing our 17-month old has and will help us cut back on future clothing purchases for her. I cleaned up her old clothes, found a great organizational method AND taught myself a lesson all at one time!
Sofia's clothes - newborn through 12 months waiting to be put away

Gender Neutral clothing - newborn through 12 months ready for storage

Thank you Target for running the great deals and Rubbermaid for the roomy, stackable bins!!!
I always used to be like that with Target - it seemed no matter if I only went in for shampoo, I'd come out having spent $60. No more though - I am much better at sticking to my lists these days! I love those bins - we have a bunch that I got on freecycle of all places! Great job sorting!!