While down at my parent's this past weekend, Anthony and I went on a date. Just the two of us. What a concept, right? We don't have a regular babysitter, that's on my list of to-do's, so it's very rare that he and I can get out of the house to do fun stuff without the girls. Granted, we didn't have kids so we could get alone time, but it is nice to go on a date every 3-4 months with my husband.
For our date we went to Annapolis Mall and walked around a bit and did some window shopping. I used to LOVE Annapolis Mall when I lived in Maryland, on the small side but with all the nice stores I liked. Now, it's big, overcrowded, parking is a pain and there are seriously way too many high schoolers there running around. Boy, do I sound old or what?!?
Anyway, afterwards we went to see a movie. For anyone that really knows Anthony and I, you know that pre-kids we would go out to the movie theatre at least twice a month. More if there were some really good ones out. But since having the girls, we will go out to see a movie about every 4-5 months. Again, we didn't decide to become parents to have our old lifestyle and thanks to Netflix, we can order the movies we want and watch them on our own time. Which means after 9pm when the house is nice and quiet.

We went to see Avatar and I was blown away. Literally since we saw the 3-D version. It was incredible! Anthony had seen it already when it first came out to theatres and that made it my number two choice for our movie this weekend. I didn't want to see a movie he had already seen but he talked me into it. Said it was fantastic, worth seeing again and I would love it. He was right, I guess he does know me.
It was long, 3 hours is a commitment especially for people who don't get a lot of time on their own. But it was well worth the 3 hours. Action, drama and a little love story too. Just for the romantic in me. If you haven't seen it, please do. I really do think it's worth the $11 price tag for the funky 3-D glasses.
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