Monday, January 5, 2015

Project 1 for 2015

Everyone makes resolutions for the new year. They want to work out more, eat better, do more volunteer work, etc., etc. I think resolutions can be good. They keep us focused, encourage us to do better and give us goals to work towards.

I should have taken a picture of the YMCA near our house before the holidays. There are these huge glass windows looking into the cardio room full of bikes, elliptical machines, and whatever else qualifies as cardio equipment. Empty. I pass it in the morning coming home from dropping the girls off at school, during the day running errands and evenings just out and about. Maybe a couple machines taken here and there. Passed by this past weekend. PACKED! Not a free machine to be seen. People out declaring their resolutions hoping they can keep them throughout the year.

We set family goals for the year. You say tomato, I say tomato. Same thing, right? Goal was an easier word for them to grasp. We talked with the girls and they were all cute about what they hoped for this year in terms of family life and school life. They will listen more to us the first time, be nicer to each other and Sofia wants to work on her handwriting at school while Olivia is set on reading whole books all on her own. Great goals for my little girls.

The pictures you see here are pictures of our office. Basically our room that we throw randoms in and they become lost. I want to be better about not needing those randoms or finding a home for them once and for all. Whether it be our trash can, goodwill or someplace functional in our home. I can't stand clutter and I want to do away with it in the new year and set a good example to my kids about not needing stuff to just fill space. Thankfully this is the only place in our house I have this problem with though. Most likely this is in part because I don't spend as much time in the office as the kitchen, bedrooms or living rooms. I don't see it often, so I don't deal with it.

Mario was a big help emptying that basket for me in the above picture. Not kidding, he put the basket on his head and went "oooooh!" So excited mommy is cleaning up!

So, I guess you could say my resolution for the new year would be to stay on top of things so they don't get out of control and a huge mess I have to clean up at the start of the year. Bring less into the house, clear away the clutter and be more proactive about my favorite line "a place for everything and everything in it's place." I love little projects but this is going to take some time. The closet is a decent size and it's packed. The two desks we have in here and the shelves also packed. Time to clear stuff out and resolve not to bring more in.

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