Thursday, May 12, 2011


Each Spring and Summer I tend to some potted herbs and love watching them grow to later use when cooking. This year I have some mint, basil and parsley all starting to slowly come in and I'm so excited. Sofia is my big helper and assists in watering them and occasionally picking them for me too.  She's a little impatient, like her mama, and asks occasionally when they're going to get really big. It's not much right now, but they usually wind up doing really well come July/August. We've been talking about putting a garden in the backyard for some time now, so hopefully we can make that happen one day and start to grow some veggies as well.

I need to plant the mint in the ground because I've heard it does much better, but really these little guys will do well soon enough. They come back every year and always amaze me at how quickly they go from a few sprigs to a full pot. The girls pluck them off regularly to carry around to for the scent. I love this since it was something my Nonna used to do too. I always remembered her carrying around a sprig of mint in her pocket to take out sporadically for a whiff.

My flat-leaf Italian parsley, already picturing it looking pretty in some favorite dishes. 

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